7 Ways To Generate Your First 1,000 Customers

In business, your website only has one job … to start a visitor on a journey to spend money with you and become a customer.

The key piece is to connect your website to places where your potential customers hang out and invite them to your website.

Once they arrive, the website’s job is to get them to leave something of themselves (an email, phone number, cookie, …).

Just asking people to sign up for a newsletter doesn’t cut it these days, nor does offering the download of an ebook.

This presentation will reveal some interesting and creative ways to build your prospect and email list to really explode your business … and in ways that evoke curiosity, likability and wow with your visitors (some will even willingly share and promote for you … could this be the secret to going viral?).

Key Take-Away

Creative and interesting ways to grow your prospect database quickly using WordPress Plugins that engage and WOW your visitors.




WordCamp Sydney 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!